Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More art and pictures of paintings.

Here are the pictures as requested from Photobucket. Another of a number of images about the salmon on the way to the spawn. I've had a great deal of fun with these fish!

The bathing beauty series I called Maximum tan based on pinup images from the 1950's

Another of the bomb series showing the beauty and trying to point to the craziness of the human response - great day to get a tan.


Heather said...

Hi Katherine-

I tried to leave a comment for you yesterday, but somehow it didn't take. Lots to learn in this 23 Things course.

Great to see your paintings on your blog. Blogging seems like a particularly good thing for artists.

Dawna Rowlson said...

I am drawn to the atomic bomb tanning paintings. They captivate me. I felt that way when I saw them at your show and now feel the same way as I look at them here.
