Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas card coming

Getting organized for making my Christmas card this time around. Planning a grouping of holly leaves and putting an Indonesian (Javanese) spin on it. Hope I can make something I like well enough to produce- taht can be a stumbling block.

Will post when I've got it.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Too busy to paint

Taking a course and working full time are taking their toll on the free time quotient these days. Paintings that I thought were finished last spring seem to need a little something - a few more hours it looks like. Even the darn 8 x 10 size torture me with the work required. I wish I could manage the slap dash but alas.

Looking forward to the next Indonesia trip which will include a side trip to Bali and hopefully to Tokyo. Notwithstanding that it might be the most expensive place on the planet- still how much can be spent in only a day or two - I'm willing to find out.

will post a recent 8 x 10 completed for the Little Art Show in Toronto shortly.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How do you put depth in painting? In my mind I try to build from the ground up but of course that is a spectacular illusion given that the next swatch of paint covers the last so is it still there.

Enjoying a moment of painting again but want to embark on series on the atomic bomb again. Unfortunately not a big seller!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


O.K. I got the RSS done and did the photo manipulator although didn't post any to the blog . Maybe later. Churning through all the mashups and so on - especially responding to Facebook and building something there - man it all takes time. When am I going to get piano practicing done.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Photobucket Album

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More art and pictures of paintings.

Here are the pictures as requested from Photobucket. Another of a number of images about the salmon on the way to the spawn. I've had a great deal of fun with these fish!

The bathing beauty series I called Maximum tan based on pinup images from the 1950's

Another of the bomb series showing the beauty and trying to point to the craziness of the human response - great day to get a tan.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday and I need to save some pics today or at least this week. What I'd really like to get done is to add a photo to my profile- that might have to wait until I can find one I like - or forever.

Waiting for the comments to pour in. Sigh

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Search terms: Artist, Painter, Sculptor

It's tricky when one does artwork based on the idea rather than the medium. Most of the time when submitting to shows one has to declare.
Here is 'A fish out of water' , 2004 (I think). Acrylic on canvas.

I like to work with the idea and then figure out - is it a sculpture or shall I try painting , oil pastel on paper - would that work. And on it goes.

One observation about the Toronto City Hall Art Show - there are far fewer sculptors so it's worth a shot just on the basis of getting in to go with sculptor rather than painter. I think the ratio was 5:1 - way more painters out there.
Sorry to have missed the West Toronto Art Crawl this year which was quite good to me last year. I just have too much going on with the librarian side to have pulled it off. The picture shows me at the QWAC - on the first day. Late on Sunday it got kind of blowy and that turned into a challenge to keep things looking reasonably professional while holding the tent down.
More later.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The artist in the librarian

Librarian's are creative folk when it comes to problem solving. It requires imagination to figure out how to find stuff fast. Also given a long history of underfunding in the public library world we know how to stretch a dollar.
But this is about art too. I've got a few sides of the brain going and one side loves to putter with images , learn how to paint, build and make objects and the like.

This blog will be an attempt to capture the energy and activities of both areas. I was going to say areas of interest but it is so much more than that really since I carry great passion for both.

So here we go.